How Are Freshmen Adjusting To 2020 High School?

BY: Thomas Romano

The freshmen. The kids coming from middle school to high school to learn new things. This year’s class have not had a typical experience.

Some of the freshmen seem to believe that online schooling is very different from going inside the school to learn. 

“[Classes] have errors with the assignments on Canvas and having bad Internet access,’’ said Riverside freshman Jillian Smith.

Things in high school are not really the same as in middle school. 

First, high school wants you to get ready for college. You have teachers and staff that can help you apply for college. Second, you can sign up for drivers ed in high school, and also to be a player or manager in multiple different sports. This year’s freshmen have not gotten to be in that phase of high school yet. 

Some of the freshmen didn’t expect to get more work than in middle school. Meeting new teachers that are more strict, a type of teacher that gives out a lot of work, and teachers that are normally more hands-on can be more difficult in this virtual setting. 

Some freshmen in Riverside High said when they go back to school, they would be more nervous to go inside the school building and see a bunch of different people inside. 

“I’m anxious to go back, hoping to stay home and do online learning to be safe at home and not to get sick,” said Smith.

“The reason why some want to go back to school is because they want to go see their friends, and see their previous teachers in the school,” said Riverside sports medicine teacher and athletic trainer Sarah Bell. 

Another reason why some of the kids said that they want to go back to school is because they don’t want to have any distractions around them at home, or be bored in their surroundings. Many new ninth graders wanted to join different clubs so they won’t have to worry about being bored on Wellness Wednesday. 

The freshmen want to be hyped, be happy, and be active in school. For now, they remain quarantined.

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